TRA VINH - Cochinchina

Viżti: 824


I. Ġeografija Fiżika


    Il - provinċja ta ' Travinh [Trà Vinh] is bounded in the north by the province of Chien Co [Cổ Chiên], in the south by the province of Bassac [Bassac], in the east by the East Sea and in the west by the provinces of Vinhlong [Vĩnh Long] and Cantho [Cần Thơ] and comprises about 2.000 square km.

    As in the neighbouring provinces, Vinhlong [Vĩnh Twil], Bentre [Bến Tre] and Soctrang [Sóc Trăng], the soil of the province of Travinh [Trà Vinh] is formed by the deposits of the Chien Co [Cổ Chiên] and of the Bassac [Bát Sắc] and the sand which is deposited by the high tides during the north-east Monsoon. There is a succession of low lying ground formed by the accumulated slime and the sandy giongs. “Giongs” [Giòng] that is to say long tracts of sandy land, extend in the province, excellent soil suited for various cultivations. The geological constitution of the soil is alluvial.

     The general aspect of the region is that of a great plain, intersected by the streams and canals, and no rising land breaks the monotony.


    The province is crossed by important high-roads, such as:

  1. The road from Travinh [Trà Vinh] to Bactrang [Bát Trang], National road No. 35
  2. Tracu [Trà Cú], National road No. 36
  3. Mac Bat [Mặc Bát], local road No. 6
  4. Vinhlong [Vĩnh Long], local road No. 7


    The chief wealth of the province of Travinh [Trà Vinh] is rice, as is the ease in the whole westem part of Cochin-China. There is no industry in Travinh [Trà Vinh] yet, and the trade is in the hands of the Chinese. Avant of sufficient space prevents the breeding of eattle, and eattle are imported idom Cambodia. The inhabitants of the part near the East Sea devote themselves to Ashing, but they export only a small quantity of fish and shrimps.

II. Storja

    (…) The immigration of the Annamites started with the exodus of Gia Long [Gia Long] to losver Cochin-China… In 1872 a nevv rebellion, directed against the French, was put down in a very energetic way by the Doc Phu Tran Ba Loc [Đốc Phủ Trần Bá Lộc]. Since that time peace has never ceased to reign in Travinh [Trà Vinh].

1 / 2020

1: Marcel Georges Bernanoise (1884-1952) - Pittur, twieled f'Valenciennes - l-iktar reġjun tat-tramuntana ta 'Franza. Sommarju tal-ħajja u l-karriera:
+ 1905-1920: Taħdem fl-Indochina u inkarigat mill-missjoni lill-Gvernatur ta 'Indochina;
+ 1910: Għalliem fl-Iskola tal-Lvant Imbiegħed ta 'Franza;
+ 1913: Tistudja l-arti indiġeni u tippubblika numru ta 'artikli akkademiċi;
+ 1920: Huwa rritorna Franza u organizza wirjiet tal-arti f'Nancy (1928), Pariġi (1929) - pitturi tal-pajsaġġ dwar Lorraine, Pirinej, Pariġi, Midi, Villefranche-sur-mer, Saint-Tropez, Ytalia, kif ukoll xi tifkiriet mill-Lvant Imbiegħed;
+ 1922: Il-pubblikazzjoni ta 'kotba dwar l-Arti Dekorattivi f'Tonkin, Indochina;
+ 1925: Rebaħ premju kbir fil-Wirja Kolonjali f'Marsilja, u kkollabora mal-perit ta 'Pavillon de l'Indochine biex joħloq sett ta' oġġetti interni;
+ 1952: Imut fl-età ta '68 u jħalli numru kbir ta' pitturi u ritratti;
+ 2017: Il-workshop ta 'pittura tiegħu ġie mniedi b'suċċess mid-dixxendenti tiegħu.

◊ Ktieb “LA COCHINCHINE”- Marcel Bernanoise - Hong Duc [Hồng Đức] Pubblikaturi, Hanoi, 2018.
◊ Kliem Vjetnamiż b'attenzjoni grassa u krossivizzata huma magħluqin fil-virgoletti - stabbiliti minn Ban Tu Thu.

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